Follow me on my Fitness Journey

I’m a normal human being with normal feelings, body type and cravings. Follow me on my fitness journey! Maybe we can do it together!!!





I’ll be posting a current picture of me and every two week ‘hopefully’ transformation. Please feel free to hold me accountable, lord knows I’ll need it!

Back to Reality – A Scary Thought

Tomorrow I go back to work, and a lot has changed both at work and within myself. I’m a tad nervous and not too sure what to expect. I know a lot of people go through anxiety and hardships and we define ourselves by how we handle these situations but when you suffer from anxiety it makes even the simplistic of tasks hard!

This may just be me rambling but I hope there’s other people out there who experience what I do on a daily basis.

Just know you’re not alone!!!

After Christmas

I was so blessed this year again to spend time with my family and boe my husbands family. I love them all as my own. I can’t believe what I’ve been blessed with so far this year. Its my first year away from my immediate family, because I started my own. My husband, Daniel and my fist “child” Christian,my puppy have been my world and helped me get through so much. Its hard moving away from home the first time and trying to start your own family but these two have been nothing but amazing and perfect. Daniel and Christian waking me up with kisses and love is more than I could ask for. I posted an Instagram picture of a few things I got for Christmas, I was spoiled this year, but with love and gifts, and I wouldn’t be happier. I’m thankful for SO much, more than I can say here but everything is a blessing is disguise. We may not understand but God is in control of everything and he giveth and taketh away. All is given to him.

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